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Community News

Council votes unanimously to allow street tree swings

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Wednesday 14th of April, 2021

At the March 2021 Council Meeting, elected representatives voted unanimously to amend a local law which will allow residents to hang swings from their verge trees.


The decision followed a public consultation period which ran from the 13th of January to the 5th of March 2021. The CSC authored a 22 page document in favour of the amendment, submitting it to both the CEO and elected representatives for their consideration.


The CSC's submission included the following in order to support our position:


  • How the amendment would dovetail into our strategic objectives, being Active Places, Safe Spaces, Community Connection, and Crime Prevention.

  • How the amendment would dovetail into the City's own strategic objectives.

  • How the amendment was supported by numerous urban design guidelines and policies.

  • A collation of public commentary on the topic, both for and against the proposed amendment.

  • Precedents from other Local Government Authorities (Subiaco and Vincent).

  • Research from the "Playing Out" movement in the UK, which advocates for community-led street play.


If you wish to view our submission, as well as the submissions of other community members, you can find it here (pages 118 to 148).

Local Green Waste Busy Bee

Saturday 12th of September, 2020

South Perth community greenwaste busy bee

Green waste collection happens twice a year across the City of South Perth, and is a great opportunity for residents to practice some Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). 


Local resident Imogen recently took part in a green waste busy bee alongside other owners at her strata complex in Como. We asked her to share her experience, in the hopes of encouraging other CoSP residents to organise similar events in their own communities!


"I live in a strata complex of eight units in Como. We had 6 people connected with the Council of Owners pitch in to help with a busy bee. This was just prior to the local green waste collection. The motivation for me was both the opportunity to connect with my community as well as save a bit of money by taking advantage of the local council green waste collection!


On the day, we had beautiful weather and it was nice to chat with everyone outside of our formal strata meetings. Everyone just got stuck right in and we achieved a huge amount in 2.5 hours! I think if we did it again, we would have more of a routine and be a bit more streamlined and coordinated, so we could split up the work and get it done even quicker. But that said, it was a very pleasant and productive afternoon, and one of the team even provided cool drinks as refreshments!"

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